Home News Stakeholders Task FG on Regulating Release of Biofortified Provitamin A Maize

Stakeholders Task FG on Regulating Release of Biofortified Provitamin A Maize

by AgroNigeria

Stakeholders have called for a standardised policy to regulate the release of biofortified provitamin A maize, ensuring its nutritional benefits and curbing malnutrition in Nigeria.

This was highlighted during a validation workshop in Abuja, organised by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and HarvestPlus, to develop micronutrient standards for biofortified provitamin A and non-provitamin A maize varieties in the country.

Representatives from the Variety Release Committee, the Seed Council, the Maize Association of Nigeria, the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria, and universities refined the draft standards to ensure that only maize varieties with the required beta-carotene levels qualify as provitamin A maize.

HarvestPlus Country Manager, Dr. Yusuff Fou’ad, emphasised the importance of biofortification in enhancing staple crops with essential micronutrients through conventional breeding. 

He warned that without clear standards, ordinary yellow maize could be falsely marketed as vitamin A maize, misleading consumers and undermining efforts to address vitamin A deficiency.

“We are working with government agencies and partners to establish standards that define provitamin A maize based on beta-carotene content. Without these standards, any yellow maize could be sold as vitamin A maize, deceiving consumers,” he stated.

Director of the Nutrition and Food Safety Department at the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Nuhu Kilishi, reaffirmed the government’s commitment to reducing malnutrition. 

He noted that efforts are underway to expand biofortification to other staple crops, including cereals, tubers, and vegetables.

Chairman of the National Variety Release Committee, Prof. Olusoji Olufajo, stressed the need for continuous updates to provitamin A maize standards to reflect advancements in research. He noted that validating the document is essential to ensuring that only high-yielding, nutritionally superior varieties reach farmers.

“We must ensure that released maize varieties meet the required provitamin A content to enhance productivity, increase farmers’ income, and improve public health,” he added.

Special Adviser on Nutrition to the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Dr. Mustapha Popoola, highlighted the government’s focus on nutrition security, stating that the newly launched “Nutrition 774” initiative aims to promote local food sources for improved national nutrition.

The validated standards are expected to serve as a benchmark for future biofortification efforts, ensuring consistency in Nigeria’s fight against malnutrition.

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