Home Exclusive News Agric Expert Calls for Urgent Climate Action

Agric Expert Calls for Urgent Climate Action

by AgroNigeria

By Abdulmalik Adetola Lawal

In an exclusive interview with AgroNigeria, renowned agriculture practitioner Mr. Innocent Azi has underscored the pressing need for urgent action to address the adverse impacts of climate change on Nigeria’s agriculture sector. 

Azi called for a multifaceted approach, emphasizing the significance of increased awareness, government funding, international collaboration, education, and innovative technologies to enhance the sector’s resilience.

He emphasized the role of government in addressing climate change within the agriculture sector, stating, “It is for the government to generate policies, processes, and funding to ensure affordable and available technology for low carbon production.”

Highlighting the need for international collaboration and private sector involvement, Azi said, “Private sectors should lead and support voluntary carbon mechanisms.” 

He also urged the government to actively seek grants from international organizations and allocate these funds strategically to support climate mitigation and adaptation projects.

Discussing the importance of education and awareness, Azi proposed policies that encourage young students to participate in tree planting, involving schools and religious institutions. He argued that “education, awareness, and holistic involvement of all stakeholders” are crucial in making climate initiatives everyone’s responsibility.

Azi underscored the significance of embracing innovative technologies for mitigating the impacts of climate change, saying, “Early maturing crop varieties, biofertilizers, and flood-resistant crop varieties” are essential. He stressed the need for farmers to adapt their practices in response to climate change and adopt sustainable farming methods.

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