September 7, 2024
Exclusive News

SIAL Network Visits Nigeria to Explore Agribusiness Opportunities Ahead of Food Exhibition Show in Paris 

SIAL Network, a leading player in the global food industry, embarked on a trade mission to Nigeria to explore new business opportunities within the country ahead of the network’s food exhibition show in Paris.

In an exclusive interview with AgroNigeria, Mr. Nicolas Trentesaux, Managing Director of SIAL Network in France, shed light on the organization’s food exhibition show and its significance in the food industry.

“With approximately 8,000 exhibitors expected to attend the food exhibition show in Paris, SIAL Network represents a diverse landscape of food enterprises, ranging from major national and international players to smaller, emerging companies,” Trentesaux emphasized.

Recognizing the challenges faced by smaller companies in navigating the competitive food market, Trentesaux underscored the importance of providing support and guidance. 

He emphasized SIAL Network’s role in facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration, enabling smaller enterprises to thrive alongside industry giants during the show.

“We believe in inspiring food businesses, not only through commercial transactions but also through fostering inspiration, sharing content, and building meaningful relationships within the food community,” he added.

The upcoming exhibition which comes up October 19-23, 2024 in Paris, France, will bring together key stakeholders from various sectors, including the food industry, to explore potential partnerships and collaborations.

“With participation expected from prominent food producers from Europe and Latin America, the mission promises to expand the network of potential partners and drive innovation in the Nigerian food industry.”

SIAL Network’s initiative reflects a strategic approach to strengthening business ties and driving economic growth in Nigeria’s vibrant food market. 

By facilitating meaningful engagements and fostering collaboration, SIAL Network aims to create lasting value for both local and international stakeholders.

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