September 16, 2024
Exclusive News

SIAL Network Calls for Global Partnerships to Reduce Post-Harvest Losses in Nigeria 

Nigeria’s agricultural sector faces a challenge of post-harvest losses exceeding 50%. This staggering figure significantly undermines both food security and agricultural productivity. Speaking in an exclusive interview with AgroNigeria, Mr. Nicolas Trentesaux, Managing Director of SIAL Network in France, underscored the urgency of addressing this pressing issue through international collaboration.

He said, “When discussing Africa, our focus lies on mitigating post-harvest losses.”

The Managing Director stressed the importance of Nigeria engaging in knowledge exchange with global counterparts to enhance food transformation and agricultural practices. 

“By sharing best practices and innovative techniques, Nigeria can strengthen its agricultural sector and improve its food security initiatives.”

However, Trentesaux advocated for the establishment of joint ventures and partnerships with international entities to leverage expertise and investment in transforming and safeguarding Nigerian agriculture.

Speaking further, he noted that food security and sovereignty should be Nigeria’s top priority adding that the path forward involves ramping up production, enhancing value addition, and spearheading agricultural transformation within the nation.

Moreover, Trentesaux highlighted the necessity for increased investment in agricultural equipment to realize these ambitions effectively.

“To ensure strategic investment, Nigeria must align its efforts with global standards and collaborate closely with major international food entities,” he emphasized.

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